Resolve Medical and Sports Massage
Resolve to live your healthiest life!


Are you experiencing:

  • Low back, shoulder, neck pain
  • TMJD
  • Sports injury/recovery challenges
  • Slow/incomplete workout recovery
  • Sciatica pain/injury
  • Whiplash
  • Chronic pain
  • Motor vehicle collision injuries
  • Rotator cuff injury

Let us help you RESOLVE the injuries or pain that are keeping you from being your healthiest and most vibrant self!


An eclectic approach

  • Goal-oriented: whether is injury rehabilitation, chronic pain, or athletic performance, we will help you achieve the goals that are important to you
  • Individualized: your therapist will create a treatment plan that is designed to meet your specific needs
  • Diverse: your treatment may include a combination of various modalities and techniques in manual therapy, movement therapy, kinesiotaping, breathwork, or biofeedback (see our Modalities and Techniques page)
  • Neuroscience-based: pain and neuromuscular health are as much about the health of your autonomic nervous system as they are about your muscles, fascia, tendons, and ligaments. Find balance between your fight/flight/freeze and rest/digest responses to daily life

We will help you learn to actively re-pattern your stress response towards higher strength, adaptability, and resilience and re-educate the way your neuromuscular system responds to daily demands, athletic performance, injury, or chronic pain.



Insurance billing
The majority of health insurance plans do not cover medical massage. However if you were recently in a motor vehicle collision or injured at work, your insurance may cover medical massage.

We may be able bill your insurance company for Motor Vehicle Collision/Personal Injury Protection and Worker's Compensation coverage.

Contact us at (808)377-0000 for more details and to find out if we can bill your insurance.

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